

会場:同志社女子大学今出川キャンパス 純正館S401
〒602-0893 京都市上京区今出川通寺町西入
司会: 大田美佐子(神戸大学)




近代日本の音楽堂(奏楽堂) ―絵葉書に見る演奏空間の展開―

Dr Ruth Smith (英国ヘンデル協会 The Handel Institute)
Ruth Smith is internationally known as a commentator on Handel’s oratorios and operas and their place in his time. Her monograph Handel's Oratorios and Eighteenth-Century Thought (Cambridge University Press) was awarded a British Academy prize and a Cambridge University PhD. Other publications include entries in the Cambridge Handel Encyclopedia, contributions to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, an illustrated biography of Charles Jennens, and numerous journal articles. She is a Council member and trustee of the Handel Institute. Speaking engagements have taken her to Australia, South Africa, the USA, Italy, France and Germany. From 1979 to 1995 she ran a small publishing firm and from 1983 to 2011 she was a careers adviser at Cambridge University Careers Service.

The significance of the Temple in Handel's oratorio Solomon